Geographical details of operational area

Purulia at a glance

Items Purulia West Bengal
Area (Sq. km) 6259 88,752
Population 29,27,965 9,13,47,736
Sex Ratio 955 947
Density (Per Sq. km) 468 1,029
Decadal Population growth rate 15.43% 13.93%
Literacy 55.57% 77.08%
Male 73.72% 82.67%
Female 36.50% 71.16%
Percentage of Agril. Labourers
Male 25.5 22.7
Female 52.0 32.2
Percapitaincome(Rs.) 16,182.38 20,895.64
Male 46 45
Female 46 34
Male 60 65
Female 63 69
  • Net area sown-3,12,924ha
  • Cropping intensity-123%
  • Av. holding size(marginal)-0.49ha
  • Dist.Contribution to state GDP-2.25%
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