Impact of Kvk Activities

Sl. No Name of specific Technologies/Skill transferred No. of  Participants % of Adoption Change in Income (Rs/Unit)
Before Training After Training
01. HYV paddy cultivation technology :Good quality seed certified if possible. Optimum
density balance fertilizer use, use of bio fertilizer, plant Plant protection measures when
required. Technique of SRI method of paddy cultivation in different land situation has been
introduced with success.
325 (50) 70 5500 11000-13000
02. Technologies of rabi oilseed cultivation.:New variety “SHIBANI” has been introduced
and popularsing in different villages. Early sowing, optimum seed rate, balance fertilizer used and
plant protection meseares when required.
200 (40) 75 5000 17000
03. Technologies of kharif oilseed cultivation – groundnut: (Seed treatment, optimum
plant density, application of fertilizer and Herbicide.
60 (20) 72 11,437.00 per ha 17000-18000 per ha
04. Technologies of kharif pulses – Arhar& Black gram.: (Line sowing, seed treatment and
inoculation, systemic pesticides at 30-35 DAS, fertilizer management)
65 (25) 45 5,175.00 per ha 8000-9000 per ha
05. Cultivation of improved varieties of winter vegetables – Cabbage, Cauliflower &
.: (Improved varieties, optimum plant population, early sowing, seedling raising,
fertilizer management, pest management).
150 (40) 65 8,775.00 per ha 20000-50000 per ha
06. Cultivation techniques of French Bean.: (The crop has been introduced in the
cropping system).
20 (10) 60 Nil 15000-20000/ ha
07. Techniques of hybrid vegetable production – Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato.

(Seedling raising, planting density, early sowing, fertilizer and pest management)

85 (25) 75 Nil 80000-100000 per ha
08. Cultivation of early winter vegetables – Cabbage, Cauliflower and Tomato (Early
improved varieties, plant population, seedling raising, fertilizer and pest management).


70 Nil 40000-50000 per ha
09. Techniques of plant propagation – vegetative methods mainly Air layering and
50 (20) 40 Nil 4500 gooties/yr/ha x Rs 8.00 = Rs. 36,000/-
10. Techniques of establishment of nutrition garden.:(Crop modeling, improved
varieties, suitable rotation, pest control through cultural and mechanical measures, use of compost
as nutrients, collection and storing seeds of crops).


46 2,445.00

per ha

32,550.00 per ha
11. Techniques of backyard poultry farming with RIR birds.:(Breed improvement through
RIR cocks, supplementary feed with local ingredients only to the productive ones).


55 1,700.00

per 10 birds

2,600.00 per 10 birds
12. Techniques of raising fish fry/fingerlings from fish spawn.:(Techniques of nursery
pond management destruction of predatory and other fishes through the use of Mahua Oil Cake, Liming,
application of FYM).


44 Nil 60,000.00 per ha in 3 months
13. Composite fish culture with IMC and exotic carp.:(Fish sp. Like Rahu,
Katla&Mrigal for utilizing the phyto and zoo plankton at the three different layers).


60 30,000.00

per ha

72,150.00 per ha
14. Techniques of Integrating bata (Labeobata) with IMC. 45 (18) 33 Nil 18,750.00/ ha
15. Breed improvement techniques in ducks through cross breeding with Khaki Campbell
70 (20) 65 1,600.00

per 10 birds


per 10 birds

16. Broiler farming 60 (20) 55 Nil 13,200.00

per 200 birds

17. Dairy farming with Cross Bred cows 40 (15) 35 600.00

per cow


per cow

18. Composting through vermiculture 45 (15) 20 Nil 5,400.00 (25 x10) x 6


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