Infrastructure Development

A) Buildings and others

Sl. No. Name of infrastructure Not yet started Completed up to plinth level Completed up to lintel level Completed up to roof level Totally completed Plinth area (sq.m) Under use or not* Source of funding
1. Administrative


31.03.93 436.2 Under Use ICAR
2. Farmers Hostel 31.03.95 233.7 Under Use ICAR
3. Staff Quarters (6) 31.03.96 469.35 Under Use ICAR
4. Fencing 31.03.06 2800.0 Under Use ICAR
5. Rain Water harvesting structure 31.03.07   Under Use ICAR
6. Threshing floor 31.03.07 212.4 Under Use ICAR
7. Farm godown 31.03.01 190.5 Under Use ICAR
8. Dairy unit 31.03.96 130.0 Under Use ICAR
9. Poultry unit 31.03.96 120.0 Under Use ICAR
10. Goatary unit 31.03.96 60.0 Under Use ICAR
11. Mushroom Lab
12. Mushroom production unit 31.03.96 40.0 Under Use
13. Shade house 31.03.08 480.0 Under Use NHM, Purulia
14. Shade house 31.07.20 380.0 Under Use ARYA
15. Soil test Lab 31.03.06 70.00 Under Use ICAR
16. Implement Shed 185.8 ICAR
17. ATIC 31.03.17 60.4 Under Use ATMA
18. Vermicompost Unit 31.03.2019 30.0 Under Use ICAR

B) Vehicles

Sl. No. Type of vehicle Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Total Run Present status
1. 4- Wheeler 20.03.2009 6.0 lakhs 270867 km Functional
2. Tractor 21.04.1993 2.5 lakhs 1673.5 hrs. Functional
3. 2- Wheeler (Super Splendor) 19.11.2015 1.2 lakhs 31862 km Functional
4. 2- Wheeler (Pleasure) 18.11.2015 21250 km Functional

C) Equipment & AV aids

Name of the equipment Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Present Status Source of fund
a. Lab equipments       ICAR
1.Auto Pipette 2006 6,400.00 Functional
2.Beaker 2006 7,332.00 Functional
3.Bottle aspirator 2006 5,010.00 Functional
4.Bulb type pipette 2006 2,460.00 Functional
5.Burette 2006 1,179.00 Functional
6.Balance (Physical) 2006 4,100.00 Functional
7.Balance (Chemical) 2006 2,600.00 Functional
8.Balance (Analytical) 2006 1,02,000.00 Functional
9.Conical flask 2006 11,417.00 Functional
10.Centrifuge tube holder 2006 382.00 Functional
11.Centrifuge Tube 2006 28,975.00 Functional
12.Cylinder 2006 3,564.00 Functional
13.Conductivity bridge 2006 10,818.00 Functional
14.Distilled water plant 2006 13,500.00 Functional
15.Fannel holder 2006 450.00 Functional
16.Flame photometer 2006 48,506.00 Functional
17.Grinder 2006 11,950.00 Functional
18.Graduated pipette 2006 6,182.00 Functional
19.Hotpot 2006 5,050.00 Functional
20.Hot Air Oven 2006 7,000.00 Functional
21.Jerryken 2006 550.00 Functional
22.Kjeldahl distillation & Distillation set 2006 23,600.00 Functional
23.Measuring cylinder 2006 22,539.00 Functional
24.Mechanical shaker 2006 15,000.00 Functional
25.Magnetic stirrer 2006 3,971.00 Functional
26.Morter& pastel 2006 240.00 Functional
27.Petry Dish 2006 2,700.00 Functional
28.pH meter 2006 22,900.00 Functional
29.Pipette stand 2006 726.00 Functional
30.Reagent bottle 2006 11,000.00 Functional
31.Refrigerator 2006 11,800.00 Functional
32.Soil Auger 2006 1,650.00 Functional
33.Soil testing kit 2006 3,500.00 Functional
34.Shieve 2006 1,610.00 Functional
35.Spectophotometer 2006 1,07,480.00 Functional
36.Thermometer 2006 450.00 Functional
37.Test tube holder 2006 70.00 Functional
38.Test tube 2006 720.00 Functional
39.Volumetric flask 2006 25,074.00 Functional
40.Water Analyzer 2006 40,000.00 Functional
41.Water glass 2006 4,644.00 Functional
42. Laminar Airflow 2018 46000.00 Functional ATMA, Purulia
43. Binocular Microscope with LED 2018 34810.00 Functional
44. 10 KVA Voltage Stabilizer 2018 31680.00 Functional
45. Rallis Knapsack battery sprayer 2018 2800.00 Functional
46. Premium hi-tech sprayer 2018 4680.00 Functional
47. Single Distillation Unit 2019 24000.00 Functional
48. Digital Weighing Balance 2019 16000.00 Functional
49.BOD Incubating Shaker-6 cft 2019 73986.00 Functional
50. Hot Air Oven 2020 21003.00 Functional DAMU
51.Electric Balance 2020 7316.00 Functional


b. Farm Machinery        
1. Generator 31.03.05 45,000.00 Functional ICAR
2. Tractor Trolley 2008-09 72,000.00 Functional
3. Weighing Machine – 2 Nos. 2009-10 20,000.00 Functional
4. Paddle Sprayer 2009-10 3,000.00 Functional
5.Combine Rice Harvester 2019 3,90,000.00 Functional ATMA, Purulia
c. AV Aids        
1. Slide Projector 31.03.95 17,500.00 Functional ICAR
2. Digital camera 31.03.07 29,000.00 Functional
3. Computer & Accessories 31.03.07, 31.03.13, 31.03.17, 31.03.18,31.03.20,31.03.21 579000.00 Functional
a. Printer 31.02.20, 31.03.21 19000.00 Functional
4. LCD Projector & Accessories 27.08.08. 95,560.00 Functional
5. Projector 30.03.2018 30000.00 Functional
6. Computer & Accessories 20.08.2019 60000.00 Functional DAMU
d. Others
1.Farmers Hostel Furniture 2008-09 2,32,440.00 Functional ICAR
2. Fax machine 31.03.07 15,000.00 Functional
3. Photocopier 31.03.04 75,000.00 Functional
4. Refrigerator for Hostel 14.08.2013 13900.00 Functional
5. Air conditioner & Accessories 31.03.2017 170000.00 Functional
6. Office Furniture 31.03.2017, 31.03.2018,31.03.20,31.03.21 198000.00 Functional
7. Water cooler with purifier 31.03.2018 37000.00 Functional



d) Farm Implements

S. No. Name of equipments Year of Purchase Cost (Rs.) Present Status Source of funds
1. 3 – Row Seed cum ferti-dril 2003 4000.00 Functional CIAE
2. Power Weeder 2003 100000.00 Functional CIAE
3. 2-row Seed cum ferti-drill 2003 7000.00 Functional CIAE
4. Groundnut decorticator 2003 15000.00 Functional CIAE
5. Manual Weeder 2003 7500.00 Functional CIAE
6. Water Pump 1994-2010 60000.00 Need Replacement KVK
7. Rice Thresher 1993 21000.00 Functional KVK
8. Power Operated Rice Thresher 2011 25000.00 Functional KVK
9. Groundnut Stripper 2009 2000.00 Functional KVK
10. Sprayer 2007-2010 10200.00 Functional KVK
11. Duster 1993 2500.00 Need Replacement KVK
12. Rotary Weeder 1988 2000.00 Functional KVK
13. ConoWeeder 2009 6000.00 Functional KVK
14. Rice Winnower (Manual) 2007 5000.00 Functional KVK
15. Rice Winnower (Power Operated) 2008 12000.00 Functional KVK
16. Seed Cleaner (Power Operated) 2009 3,50,000.00 Functional KVK
17. Dal Mill 1997 18000.00 Functional Min.Ag. GoI
18. Oil Extraction & Refinement Plant 2011 800000.00 Functional BCKV
19. Rotavator 2009 60000.00 Functional KVK
20. Drum Seeder 2009 9000.00 Functional KVK
21. Rice Reaper 2011 78000.00 Functional KVK
22. Zero Tillage Seed Drill 2009 40000.00 Functional KVK
23. Gyrovator 2017 100000.00 Functional ATMA
24. 4-Row multicrop planter 2018 39500.00 Functional ATMA
25. Fertilizer spreader 2018 31500.00 Functional ATMA
26. Single seedling vegetable transplanter 2018 2600.00 Functional ATMA
27. Power Weeder 2018 14750.00 Functional ATMA
28. Half-feed combined harvester 2019 3,90000.00 Functional ATMA
29. 8 Row Paddy Transplanter 2019 2,45000.00 Functional ATMA
30. Honda Diesel Pump 2021 29500.00 Functional SCSP
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