Priority thrust areas
S.No | Thrust area |
1. | Development and extension of alternate land use systems with the approach of watershed development. |
2. | Introduction of suitable crop sequence, replacement of traditional varieties and improved crop management strategies for bunded up, medium- and low lands. |
3. | Promotion of quality seed production including seed village development programme. |
4. | Breed improvement and disease and nutritional management of animal resources and poultry birds. |
5. | Use of bio-fertilizers and organic manures for maintaining sustainable soil health. |
6. | Empowerment of women in farming system for decision making through self-sufficiency. |
7. | Human Resource Development through training and demonstration of improved agricultural technologies of rural youths and in-service personnel of the line departments of the State Government. |
8. | Introduction suitable improved Agricultural implements for enhancing crop production and drudgery reduction. |
9. | Economic & Eco-friendly plant protection. |