Success Story

Success stories/Case studies

Success story-I

Farmer’s Name: Mrs. Laxmi Karmakar

Address: Vill:Bandhgar, P.O. Chharrah, Block-Purulia-II, Dist.-Purulia-723163 (W.B)

Mobile No.: 7602814853/ 8972332951

Name of crop: Lentil (in Rabi season)

  1. How and why he/she brought under CFLD?

Despite efforts towards technology development and transfer to the farmer’s fields, a majority of farmers are not able to use improved technology as they do not address their needs. Experience in different areas emphasize, the needs to organize farmers to enable them to exert pressure on Research and Extension Institutions to make technology more need based. To create a client driven Agricultural Research and Extension System, we have developed Farm Science Clubs in each of our operational villages, So that it can work as important mechanism in accelerating technology dissemination, in articulating specific Research and Extension needs and in developing technical and managerial skill of farmers who are its members. Actually the farmers whose success story is now highlighting is one of the member of our existing Farm Science Club.

  1. Existing practice before adopting CFLD recommendation:

Lentil seeds are sown after harvesting of Kharif paddy without following line sowing method with higher seed rate and without application of chemical fertilizer, seed treatment and bio-fertilizer.

  1. Details of inputs and technology provided:

Crop: Lentil

Variety- WBL-77@ 35kg./ha,Seed Treatment-Trichoderma viride @200gm/ha  & Pseudomonas @300g/ha,Fertilizer-10kg N &40 kg P2O5/ha, Seed Rate: 35 Kg/ha, Bio-Fertilizer: Rhizobium  @ 4 kg/ha ; PSB @ 2 Kg/ha& PMB @2kg/ha, Micro-nutrient: Zn @2 Kg/ha,Plant Protection :Bihar hairy Caterpillar(Spilarctia obliqua)-Azadirachtin 3 ml/lt,Gray mould (Botrytiscinera) -Carbendazim+ Mancozeb:2.5 gm/lt  

  1. Details of application of technology with photograph:
Specific characteristic Performance Quality photographs
1. Seed Rate: WBL-77@ 35kg./ha Uniform
2. Seed Treatment with Trichoderma viride Incidence of disease has been reduced upto 70-80%
3. Fertilizer-30kg N & 100kg P2O5 ha-1, Seed Rate: 75 Kg/ha Bio-Fertilizer:Rhizobium  @ 2 kg/ha & PSB @ 2 Kg/ha, Micronutrient: Zn @25 Kg/ha Yield has been increased in compare with local check.
  1. Field day observed:
  2. Results: Local check, Demo with B:C Ratio



Variety demonstrated & Technology demonstrated


Yield (q/ha) Farmer’s Existing plot Demonstration plot


Farmers Feedback
Local check Demo % of increase Gross Cost


Gross return


Net Return




Gross Cost


Gross return


Net Return




1. Crop: Lentil

Variety- WBL-77@ 35kg./ha,Seed Treatment-Trichoderma viride @200gm/ha  & Pseudomonas @300g/ha,Fertilizer-10kg N &40 kg P2O5/ha, Seed Rate: 35 Kg/ha, Bio-Fertilizer: Rhizobium  @ 4 kg/ha ; PSB @ 2 Kg/ha& PMB @2kg/ha, Micro-nutrient: Zn @2 Kg/ha,Plant Protection :Bihar hairy Caterpillar(Spilarctia

obliqua)-Azadirachtin 3 ml/lt,Gray mould (Botrytiscinera) -Carbendazim+ Mancozeb:2.5 gm/lt

6.70 11.8 88.8 18050 35800 17750 1.98 25700 61700 36000 2.4 Introduction of varieties for late-planting condition and selection of varieties that should performed well in poor management condition.
  1. Feedback in scientific term:

Farmers Feedback: Introduction of varieties for late-planting condition and selection of varieties that should performed well in poor management condition.

Scientist Feedback: Introduction of varieties for late-planting condition and selection of varieties that should performed well in poor management condition.


Success story-II

Farmer’s Name: Dipali Mahato

Address: Village : Podlara, Post: Chharra,

                              P.S. : Purulia-II, Dist: Purulia,

                              Pin: 723163,  West Bengal

Name of crop: Mustard      

(Year & Season : Rabi 2017-18)

  1. How and why she brought under CFLD?

How? –  

We initially called a Meeting at KVK involving our Village Level Extension Functionaries (Secretary and office bearers of village level Registered Youth Organisation) to discuss the objectives and modalities of implementing CFLD in our Operational area.

  • Then Club Secretaries called a meeting in their respective villages involving potential farmers of their locality to discuss the objectives and modalities of implementing CFLD and came out with a probable list of farmers.
  • Then a Team comprising KVK functionaries visit those farmers field to have a on spot verification of the demonstration to guess the suitability of the plot for taking up CFLD programme like- its location, soil, distance from village, proximity to irrigation sources etc.
  • Made a clear cut discussion with the farmer about What KVK will provide apart from technical knowledge as Critical input and what he has to arrange for fulfilling our objectives.
  • On the basis of a positive outcome a farmer has been picked up for CFLD.


  • She owned a land area of about 2 acre where he/she is growing Mustard for the last 3yrs. using locally available seed and traditional knowhow.
  • The demonstration plot is located just beside the main approach road of the village that passes through the village to another neighbouring village.
  • She is willing to cultivate Mustard as per our direction in 1 Acre land keeping rest portion to sow the same crop as usual to have a comparative experience.
  • She has irrigation facility to provide at least 5 irrigations.
  • She is capable of arranging all physical and financial requirements, like timely land preparation, sowing, weeding, fertilization, irrigation etc.
  1. Existing practice before adopting CFLD recommendation:

Sowing in the month of December

  • Broadcasting seeds in dry beds followed by flooding that result in irregular and poor stand establishment.
  • Locally available B-9 used.
  • No seed treatment or Coating with Bio- Fertilizer.
  • Seed rate 7.5 Kg./ha.
  • Basal application of 5 kg. DAP only/ha
  • No Micronutrient application.
  • Top dressing with 5 kg Urea/ha any time depending on discolouration.
  • No thinning.
  • Irrigation by flooding the field.
  1. Details of inputs and technology provided:
Technology Provided Inputs given
Sowing with in 15 th Nov.
Pre sowing irrigation instead of post sown flooding.
Variety- PAN -70 (Hybride) SEED
Seed Rate- 5 kg/ha
Seed treatment seven (7) days prior sowing Trichoderma Viride @100gm/ha  & Pseudomonas@100g/ha
Seed coating with Bio-Fertilizer day before sowing PSB @ 2 Kg/ha & PMB @4kg/ha
Soil application of Micronutrient Zn @ 8 Kg/ha &Mn @ 8 kg/ha
Basal application of chemical fertilizer @ 30kg N ,30 kg P2O5&30 Kg K2O / ha
Weeding and thinning followed by top dressing with N@ 30kg at 21 DAS
Plant protection measures as and when required


  1. Details of application of technology with photograph:
  • Sowing with in 15 th Nov.
  • Pre sowing irrigation instead of post sown flooding.
  • Variety- PAN -70 (Hybrid)
  • Seed Rate- 5 kg/ha
  • Seed treatment seven (7) days prior sowing with Trichoderma Viride @100gm/ha & Pseudomonas@100g/ha
  • Seed coating with Bio-Fertilizer day before sowing with PSB @ 2 Kg/ha & PMB @4kg/ha
  • Soil application of Micronutrient: Zn @ 8 Kg/ha &Mn @ 8 kg/ha
  • Basal application of chemical fertilizer @ 30kg N ,30 kg P2O5&30 Kg K2O / ha
  • Weeding and thinning followed by top dressing with N@ 30kg at 21 DAS
  • Plant protection measures as and when required

  1.  Field day observed:


Sl. No. Extension Activities organized Date of activity Number of farmer attended
1. Field Day on Mustard 24.2.2018, 52
2. Field Day on Mustard 05.3.2018 50

  1.  Results: Local check, Demo with B:C Ratio


Crop demonstrated Yield (q/ha) Farmer’s Existing plot Demonstration plot


Local Check Demo Gross Cost


Gross return


Net Return




Gross Cost


Gross return


Net Return






9.25 14.85 19,500.00 32,375.00 12,875.00 1.66 22,700.00 51,975.00 29,275.00 2.28
  1. Feed Back in scientific term:
  • We have to explore the suitability of introducing much higher yielder Hybrids instead of available HYVs.
  • Varieties of 100 +_ 10 days variety.
  • Explore the possibility of sowing mustard using Zero Seed-cum-Fertiliser Drill to ensure timely sowing.
  • Powdery mildew resistant varieties suitable for late sown crops.


Success story-III 

Name of the farmer Mr. Sanjoy Char 

Village: Madhubanpur,

 PO- Muradi, Block- Santuri, PIN- 723156, Dist.- Purulia, West Bengal

Mob.: +91 977536948

Education 10th
Landholding (in acre) 4 acres
Irrigated (in acre) 1 acre
Un-irrigated (in acre) 3 acres
Membership details (in Self-Help Group, Producers

Cooperative/ Company, Cooperative Society etc.)

Member of SHG
Family size (Number) 06 nos. (Parent-01, Brother-01, Sister in Law- 01, Nephew- 01, Wife-01 and Self)
Agricultural and non-agricultural activities of the family Vegetable Cultivation (Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brinjal)- 01 acre,

Kharif Paddy- 02 acre

Mustard- 01 acre

Dairy- 12 nos.

Cattle Feed Unit Shop- 01 no.

Source of income of the family Vegetable Cultivation (Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brinjal)- 55000.00

Kharif Paddy- Rs. 12000.00

Mustard-Rs. 7000.00

Dairy- Rs. 2.5 lakhs

Cattle Feed Unit Shop- Rs. 2.0 lakhs.

Daily family expenses for food purpose Rs. 300.00
Monthly expenses other than food cost Rs. 30000.00
Background before intervention (not more than 150 words) Purulia district of West Bengal is a forest intensive district where 65% of total geographical area is under upland considering unbunded and bunded situation where cattle rearing comes under extensive system of management. Dairy cooperatives already exist in this area. This area is surrounded with Bokaro and Asansol City with regular transport facility like rail and bus.
Brief description of technical interventions and justification including innovation, if any (not more than 150 words) Mr. Sanjoy Char started Dairy farming in the year 2012 with 04 nos. of Jebu Cattle and 01 no. of Cross Breed Jersey cow. However, he experienced huge loss that year due to the lack of scientific dairy farming. Low Milk production due to attack of Foot and Mouth disease along with less interest on scientific feed formulation as well as fodder cultivation. In the mean time Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kalyan, Purulia has played an important role in identifying Mr. Char as a challenging farmer. The then KVK experts heard his problems. After detailed investigation, they advised him to follow the scientific dairy farming technique and management strategy of vaccination and de-worming technique, low cost feed formulation using available local ingredients, organic fodder cultivation, silage preparation and insurance policy of cattle. Since then he followed scientific dairy farming technique. Presently, he is rearing 12 no. of Cross Breed Jersey cow with yearly net income of Rs. 2.5 lakhs. Recently he also established a cattle feed shop with net income of Rs. 2.0 lakhs per year. He learned by doing and now become a master trainer and he is extending training to the novices through teaching by doing.
Source of technology/ reference KVK Kalyan, Purulia
Source of fund/ financial supports NABARD, Purulia
Technological benefits after intervention ü  Hygienic Dairy Farm Management

ü  Vaccination and de-worming technique

ü  Low cost feed formulation

ü  Organic fodder cultivation

ü  Silage preparation

ü  Urea Feeding

ü  Insurance Policy of Cattle

Awards / rewards / appreciation received 04 nos. at Block Level and Sub Division Level (Calf & Cattle Show)
Role of KVK in intervention ü  Hands on Training

ü  Demonstration

ü  On Farm Trial/ Testing

ü  Exposure Visit

Impact factor Before Adoption After Adoption
Farmer Practice Lesser Knowledge about Scientific Dairy Farming

Increased Knowledge attitude & Skill on Vaccination, De-worming, Feed Formulation, Urea Feeding, Silage Preparation & Insurance schemes.

Yield of Product 10 litre per day 80 litres per day
Fixed Cost Rs. 0.5 lakhs Rs. 2.0 lakhs
Recurring Cost Rs. 0.7 lakhs Rs. 3.0 lakhs
Gross Income Rs. 1.2 lakhs Rs. 7.5 lakhs
Net Profit Rs. 0.5 lakhs Rs. 2.5 lakhs
B:C Ratio 1.71:1 2.5:1
Marketing Own consumption and selling within the village Own consumption and supply to the nearby cities like Bokaro, Asansol, etc.
Dissemination of knowledge in the locality less Recognized as a Progressive Dairy Farmer
Knowledge gain based on 1- 5 scale* 1 4
Feeling of economic security based on 1- 5 scale* 1 4
Ability to understand and solve problems based on 1- 5 scale* 1 3.5
Self image in community based on 1- 5 scale* 1 3.5
Self confidence based on 1- 5 scale* 3 4.2

          * 1- 5 scale indicates 1 = lowest and 5 = highest




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